Monday, July 11, 2016

I Got Seduced Slowly

 The leader of my zentangle group (which is now also my art journaling group) took us through Brene Brown’s art journaling course on her book The Gifts of Imperfection. I had not made much art for a few years and I had forgotten how compelling it is to to tinker with the page, to PLAY. Brene Brown, bless her heart, had really basic art journaling instruction. She was speaking to people who are terrified of making art due to perfectionism and there is a need for that, but I had studied drawing, painting and graphic design so I was starting at a different level. I was ambivalent about continuing art journaling and set it aside for a time to do an animation project. But I wanted to keep participating in the group because I so enjoy the people in it. (They GET it). Now I am so grateful to them for turning me on to art journaling. It has pulled me out of a depression and given my creative life a new direction. I love having a group to show what I have done and see what they have done. We do assigned prompts from If you’re not in a group, I invite you to start one.

A couple months later I started watching the art journaling videos on youtube and I was totally wowed. I remember watching someone put down some tissue paper ephemera and then putting a resist through a harlequinn stencil and then putting paint on and wiping it away so the ephemara was visible through the resist. Well how cool is that? I gotta get me a harlequin stencil. And now I am designing my own stencils.

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